Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hey we are back in business

So my daddy finale found the log in details for this site and we are back in business, so much news ............................

As you can see I am now two years old, but guess what Mummy is having another baby and it is due any day now !!!!!

So I will keep you update with some more news & gossip soon I promise

Friday, April 28, 2006

1st Birthday Wish

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A month go's by ...............

Ah so the time flies as I was reminded today I have not posted anything to the blog in a long time so here is a quick note to say THE FIRST BIRTHDAY is on the 28/04/06 so there will be loads of pictures & stuff to put on the blog ........... so until then this will have to do ! ----- lol

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The First tooth is here !

Hi Guys & Girls its official I have got my first tooth coming through .........

So its begins plenty of crying Mummy & Daddy getting upset because I am in pain.

Its great because know instead of glup I can BITE my food, Daddy says as soon as he can hold my head still he will take a picture ha ha ha ha

Well it is snowing here at the moment quite bad, but its not sticking mmmmmmmm I was looking to go out & play in the snow again like I did last year its great.

Never mind it might stick later ..... Yeah it might !

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Daddy's Knee Operation

My daddy had his knee op yesterday and this is a picture of his bandage, mummy is off for a week to look after daddy which is great because I get to have my two favorite people around 24hrs a day :-)

He is not allowed to move it for a week and it could take up to six weeks to be fully better.

He is having his bandage changed tomorrow so more pictures then ........... ewww

Monday, February 13, 2006

Uncle Simon came to stay

I woke up this morning to a suprise Uncle Simon has come to visit for a couple of days.

Its time for me to catch up on all the things I can do since you last here (Christmas Party) !

As you can see I got Daddy took this picture while he was eating his breakfast (11:03 - more like brunch) ha ha ha

So I wonder what I can do with him today ...... mmmmm .... maybe a trip to the pond to see the ducks & swans ?

Check out for the pics later ....... bye xxx

Ah tis a new day dawning

Here I am just sitting back enjoying my own space & my daddy shouts "AMELIA" next thing I know is I am blinded by a flash and he is taking a extreame close up photo.

Its a good job I LOVE him or he would be dead meat I can tell you !

So whats next on the blog then I hear you ask well I thought some more about ME would be good ha ha ha

btw I went to a birthday party yesterday, it was Rosies 2nd birthday we had loads of cool stuff to play with but best of all I won a packet of milkybar buttons in the pass the parcel it was great !

I dropped suttle hints to mummy & daddy that I quite liked the ball pond at the party so I think they might get me one soon :-)

Anyway i must dash (crawl) Im off to bed before mummy gets home ....... God bless xxxx

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Project Grandma is over :-(

OK so the two weeks have gone & "Project Grandma" is over so its back to the grindstone so to speak ..............

So its back to just Mummy, Daddy & Me

So its time I made them pay for sending my Grandma home .................... now what can I do ....... mmmmm .......... Waking up in the middle of the night is always good for a laugh and screaming for no apparent reason ...... Yes let the games begin !

Just one day should be enough so they know who the boss really is :-)